Rangali ApS

International Consulting

Analysis of Suitability

Not all IT programs or services are suitable for effective outsourcing. We will help you avoiding costly unsuccesful outsourcing by providing a thorough analysis of whether the program itself is suitable for being outsourced (nearshored or offshored) and a qualified estimate oif the of the cost and requirements on your organisation associated with the outsourcing. This will give you a solid basis for deciding whether or not outsourcing is the best option.

Strategic and Operational Process

When a decision of outsourcing has been made a plan for how to execute the outsourcing process must be established. Numerous subjects must be decided and acted upon: Establish Outsourcing process team, determine  relevant program control parameters (Budget, duration), Security issues (eg. GDPR implications), as well as possible political and geographical issues.

Operationally all requirements and assumptions that the program shall be executed under shall be identified and any practical limitations that the Outsourcing partner must respect shall be identified as well.


Based on vast experience from management of large international IT programs and offshore Outsourcing Rangali ApS is Your best advisor in  all IT programs where You consider outsourcing of development or production.

Rangali ApS offers support in all phases of Your program:

Analysis of Suitability

Strategic and Operational Process

Selection of Outsourcing partner

Contract negotiation

Operational Program Set-up

Operational execution support

Selection of Outsourcing Partner

Operational Program Set-up

Contract negotiation

Operational Execution Support

Rangali ApS, Tjornevej 9, DK-2970 Horsholm, Denmark

Phone: +45 4061 4863 Email: administration@rangali.dk

CVR/SE no.: 38647059

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